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"In this episode, Dulce reflects on her experience growing up in México and migrating to the United States when she was 11 years old. She shares how she fuses her love for art and passion for social change by using art as a tool to teach and build community."

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VH 11 - El arte es político ft Dulce López

"En este episodio, exploramos el fascinante mundo del arte, la música en los tops y la expresión artística."


2nd Encuentro de Mujeres artistas


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New exhibit at Mexican Consulate highlights work of young, emerging artists

""They are creating new pieces that talk about where they come from but also about the reality they are living as immigrants in LA," Consul for Cultural Affairs Cynthia Prida said."

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Día Mundial de la Diversidad Cultural: El arte nómada regresa a su hogar

"Es crucial tener orgullo por nuestra identidad y sentirnos unidos en ella como pueblo", piensa Dulce María. "Desde ahí, empezamos a tenerle más amor a nuestra comunidad y es que empezamos a hacer algo por ella. Si entendemos quiénes somos y de dónde venimos, cómo es la tierra que pisamos, la gente empieza a sentir que es posible el cambio, y que debe ser de forma colectiva."


Hija Ausente: Stories of an immigrant

"Join us for an art show displaying the work of Mexican artist Dulce Lopez Gonzalez who uses her different art to address issues such as corruption, racism, sexism, immigration, international policy, and trafficking."

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Women for Justice in the Americas holds SF, Sproul Plaza demonstrations

"UC Berkeley students and community members held two demonstrations Monday demanding university support for international student strikes in solidarity with the fight against femicides and for the department of ethnic studies to receive funding to revive a course focused on gender-based violence."

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Dulce Maria López leads this 4-week workshop on painting with watercolors. Each class will cover a different technique in preparation for the students to make a dynamic piece of art.

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UC Berkeley alum Dulce María López creates her visual art to ‘cross cultural and national borders’

“There cannot be a revolution or a social change without art — not only because of the meaning of it but because art can really reach out to those who have not had access to elite education; the working class, our communities, and the true social makers,” López added later in an email. “Value the artists because we speak, draw, and communicate through a language that touches many senses in many different ways that can cross cultural and national borders.”

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Commencement speeches celebrate standing up to injustice, making world better

“Thousands of graduates, decked out in black caps, gowns and colorful variations thereof, marched onto the sun-drenched field at the California Memorial Stadium to “Pomp and Circumstance” to celebrate UC Berkeley’s May commencement on Saturday.”

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Centers for Educational Justice & Community Engagement

“Dulce María López González’s art is based on her experience as a low-income Mexican immigrant woman living in the United States."

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Anti-Trump Demonstrators Take to the Streets in Several U.S. Cities

“BERKELEY, Calif. — Chanting “Not my president,” several hundred protesters streamed through the streets of Berkeley and Oakland in the predawn hours of Wednesday venting their anger at the election of Donald J. Trump as president.”

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Murals with a Message

“Valley High School alumni and a current UC Berkeley student, Dulce Lopez designed a recently completed mural at her alma mater, Valley High School in Santa Ana, CA. The design includes the message, “Texting…It Can Wait. Don’t text your life away.””

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Nicholas Academic Center: Class of 2014

“Dulce will be attending the University of California, Berkeley, where she plans to major in political science and minor in fine arts.”


Solidarity and Creativity:
A Message from Artist Collective Member Dulce Lopez

"The spirit of revolution thrives within the land and its crops, which are a living form of art that resists over-exploitation and capitalist systems. In a world marked by language, cultural, and physical barriers, let's strive to understand and feel the struggle with all our senses."

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What kind of society are we creating? With artists Dulce Lopez

"Today on the show we have artist, painter, singer and very good friend Dulce Lopez. Dulce and I met in college as artists creating political posters. It was great catching up with her since we last spoke 3 years prior."


California Arts Council Announces 2021 Individual Artist Fellows

"The California Arts Council (CAC) announced today that it has awarded a total of $2.185 million in support of 182 recipients who applied for an inaugural 2021 Individual Artist Fellowship."

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This Bridge Called Solidarity

"We should all have a given passport that never ends to give us the human right to live in freedom and dignity in any place -- and it should not be a privilage.

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Quarantine Zine Pt. 2

"La Jaula de Oro" by Dulce Lopez

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Changing the Narrative Through Art

" Dulce expresses how she uses arte to go beyond all language barriers, communicating with others the need for social justice."

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One Sunday in Friendship Park

"Artists and activists from the group Quetzal Migrante, as well as some migrants staying in shelters in Tijuana, help paint a mural on the fence... Dulce María López is one of the artists."

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Notes on a Cultural Strategy for Belonging

"In 2018, the Haas Institute hosted a conference on the 50th anniversary of the Kerner Commission, a special presidential commission investigating the causes of racial uprisings across the nation in 1967."

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Rostros De Mujer - Faces Of Woman

The invited artists showcase the delicate, strength, influence, and creativity of women through their art, sharing a complimentary of inspiration.

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Race & Inequality in America: The Kerner Commission at 50 conference

"Watch presentation by a student art collaborative which includes Nikko Duren, Dulce María López González, Ashley Holloway, el lee, Lulu Matute, Kiana Nicole Parker on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 during the second day of the "Race and Inequality in America: The Kerner Commission at 50 Conference" at UC Berkeley."

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‘Glimmer of hope’: Berkeley community reflects on election night 1 year later

“UC Berkeley senior Dulce María López González, who is from Mexico, said that people often don’t realize that U.S. elections affect other nations as well.”

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{m}aganda magazine | Issue #28

{m}aganda magazine | Issue #28


SANTA ANA: Joven gana concurso de arte y su dibujo se convierte en mural

“A López, originaria del estado mexicano de Jalisco, no hay cosa que la haga más feliz que aportar algo a su comunidad y qué mejor que con sus dibujos.”


2013 R2L NextGen Participants

“Through the R2L NextGen program, I discovered that I am not the only young Latino person who is concerned about my country and motivated to make a difference in my community. Meeting other young leaders has motivated me to continue getting involved.”

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UCLA Latin American Studies M.A. Department

"Dulce is an artivist and immigrant who is interested in culture-shaping initiatives and their impact on social, environmental, and economic justice in rural communities with the goal of addressing forced migration."

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Dulce López: la artista migrante que pinta tus historias

."Dulce López es una artista migrante mexicana que pinta las historias de los migrantes y de su comunidad en Estados Unidos."

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La Peña Cultural Center Newsletter

"Dulce María López González’s artworks are anecdotes, love letters, and calls for justice..."

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Pintando Equidad

La artista Dulce María López González nos habla sobre su trabajo y su esfuerzo por inspirar un cambio positivo en el mundo a través del arte.

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Pozole for the Sol VOL. 004 Etzalcualiztli

"Eres Arte que Palpita" by Dulce López

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UC Berkeley Students rally up to strike at the Mexican Embassy

“The media isn’t saying anything about how many are getting killed, women are getting killed for the way they dress and the way they look. There’s no justice for them.” said Lua. “We want to bring the murders forward and stop this corruption.”


The Birds and the Border

"In general, there's a lot of racism and classism in Mexico toward Central American migration," said Dulce Lopez, a project artist from Oakland. "With this project, we want to address that as well." Lopez believes that Mexican and Central American migrants should not be turned against one other, "because we are in very similar situations."

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UC Berkeley alum Dulce María López creates her visual art to ‘cross cultural and national borders’

“There cannot be a revolution or a social change without art — not only because of the meaning of it but because art can really reach out to those who have not had access to elite education; the working class, our communities, and the true social makers,” López added later in an email. “Value the artists because we speak, draw, and communicate through a language that touches many senses in many different ways that can cross cultural and national borders.”

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UC Berkeley Chicanx Latinx Graduation 2018 Spanish Speech / Discurso

“Mi discurso de graduación! My graduation Speech at the Latinx / Chicanx ceremony! Gracias a todxs por darme esta oportunidad.”

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Outburst: Senior Thesis Exhibition

“This semesterly departmental tradition challenges each student artist to create a fully realized body of work that reflects their own personal interests, conceptual concerns, and material research.”

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“The premiere showcase for student art on campus, The Annual Open-Call Student Exhibition celebrates the challenging and diverse art practices of the UC Berkeley community. ”

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Razapalooza 2016

“We had an amazing time yesterday collaborating with the chicanx community for RAZAPALOOZA 2016!!
Much love to everyone who came out to celebrate and affirm the chicanx identity on the UC Berkeley campus. ”


MexicoWatch: Another arrest, parents, more art

"We begin with a poster, via Regeneración, for an upcoming rally and protest on behalf of the missing students right here in Berkeley"

Updates & News: News

©️ It is prohibited to use my artistic work for governmental, commercial, or any use outside of the previously permited by me. I, Dulce M. López, reserve all copyrights.

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